About El Purguero

El Purguero is an Ayahuasca Healing Retreat Center situated 23 km from the jungle city of Iquitos, Peru. It is owned and operated by Ayahuasquero Ronald Joe Wheelock, affectionally known as The Gringo Shaman of the Amazon. Don Ron has been serving the community as an Ayahuasquero for over 25 years…

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Meet Don Ron

Don Ron Wheelock is widely known in Peru as The Gringo Shaman of the Amazon. A shaman is a person who, in tribal cultures, communicates with the spirit world. As intermediaries, shamans ask spirits to intercede in the lives of humans, healing them of illnesses, or granting favors…

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What people are saying…

Serving the ayahuasca community for over 20 years, Don Ron and his staff are dedicated to every guest. Find out what former guests are saying about their experiences and ayahuasca retreats at El Purguero in Iquitos, Peru.


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Overall rating: 5 out of 5 based on 38 reviews.

Upcoming Retreats

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Start with a healing Ayahuasca retreat in Iquitos, Peru

This is Life with Lisa Ling

Ron Wheelock on This Is Life with Lisa Ling’s on CNN: Ayahuasca: Could it be the next medicinal marijuana? Is ayahuasca a natural remedy for anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder or just another drug fad? Lisa Ling goes inside an ayahuasca ceremony in the Amazon on this week’s episode. “This Is Life With Lisa Ling: […]

Reality Sandwich Interview

Reality Sandwich Interview The Ayahuasca Sessions: An  Interview with Ron Wheelock by Rak Razam This interview is from the book: The Ayahuasca Sessions: Conversations with Amazonian Curanderos and Western Shamans, available from North Atlantic Books (2014) Ron Wheelock is an Iquitos-based shaman from the midwest United States who trained for many years with indigenous curanderos in […]

The Last Shaman Documentary

Don Ron Wheelock is featured  in THE LAST SHAMAN, a documentary by Raz Degan. Here is the Hollywood Reporter’s review. ‘The Last Shaman’: A Documentary by Raz Degan An American suffering depression turns to ancient Peruvian spiritual medicine in Raz Degan’s doc. A suicidal American seeks solace in the Amazon in Raz Degan’s The Last […]